Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why do indigenous people live so primitive in this day and age?

How is it noble or desireable to live in a tent or shoot seals and whales, or hunt for deer year round, and live like primitive savages?

The indigenous people of England don't still live in grass huts in the bogs. They built a fine nation with sophisticated banking industry etc. The indigenous people of france don't still live in caves. It's basically the immigrants of these countries that are destroying them.

The situation is reversed or at least muddled in America:

The indians of North and South america still insist on sleeping on dirt, and the immigrants made the country great, and now the next wave of immigrants are destroying us.

Weird how this stuff happens.

Why do indigenous people live so primitive in this day and age?

I will not try to correct your flawed logic on this question as that would take far more space than is alloted here. Yes, the English were colonized by the Romans, and English society was organized according to the Roman structure. Yet, as many historians will tell you, indigenous cultures, even those that remain viable today, were far from primitive at the point of colonization , and are far from primitive today.

William Pitt made this point in England over 200 years ago, when he pointed out in a speech to Parliament that British trafficking in slaves was very comparable to the Roman evaluation of the native Britons- that they were basically uneducated chattle- when in fact the native British societies were highly advanced for their time. Get with the 18th century, dude.

The main differentiation between the groups you're using as examples lies in their use of electricity-derived technology- and this mainly because the indigenous people who choose to live on their traditional land frequently see this land whisked away from them under something of an "eminent domain" law without the restitution. In other words, they have been slowly been losing capital to theft, and yet they are expected to defend themselves as a larger nation would, and on top of that, buy dishwashers.

If you evaluate these cultures by complexity of thought, and philosophical scope, they are at least as advanced as those cultures of the developed world.

Your evaluation of the Indians of North and South America is way off base, though. Have you ever been to an Indian reservation? They live in houses, they do have dishwashers and cell phones, most work outside the reservation- in local cities- and they most definitely sleep on beds.

And as far as South America goes, the same applies.

And just so you know, very few peoples ever "just slept on dirt." What- exactly- are your sources?

And as far as immigrants ruining this economy- people have been saying this about immigrants since Jamestown. Do you really think there was some happy golden age where the English weren't complaining about the Scots, the Scots about the Irish, the Irish about the Africans? Benjamin Franklin didn't have enough witticisms for the uncouth German-American settlers (or "Palatine boors" as he called them). We're a snippy little country when it comes to nationalism.

Why do indigenous people live so primitive in this day and age?

Unless exposed to modern technology, those that live in a more primitive setting will remain in a primitive setting. Many have been exposed to modern things, but choose to live their own ways due to fear of change and fear of corruption of their sacred ways. For the most part though, you can't miss what you never had. Besides, becoming modern would require most tribes to be reliant on those that supply those modern things along with the energy to run them. That's a big no-no for many groups.

Also such changes would be too shocking to go from a primitive setting, to a modern setting with electricity, cell phones, computers, etc. It would have to be gradual if such tribes would want to change.

As for the Native Americans here, most have modern housing and it's anemities. Those that choose to "sleep on dirt" as you would say, do this for show or to maintain some semblance of their culture.

As for the rest of us that are "modern," this is only because we were born in an established system that was forced upon our ancestors. Even the English had their primitive wars until the dominant group conquered and changed everything. In the end, it's about power and money.

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