Sunday, December 6, 2009

Can we live the American dream without someone somewhere living in squalor working in a sweatshop ma

We want everything cheap. Our clothes, our electronics, our services, our toys, everything. This requires that someone somewhere has to live so poor that they will be willing to work 12 and 16 hour days for less than a starbucks latte, or they have to work at 3:00 AM telling us about our Sprint bill for dirt cheap. I was reading about the kids making the Gap clothes and wondered whether person manufacturing our goods is 10, 15, or 20 years old, could we live the "American Dream" without their poverty motivating them to make it for us?

Can we live the American dream without someone somewhere living in squalor working in a sweatshop making it so

That poverty that you speak of would be even more severe if it weren't for sweatshops. You're looking at a third-world situation through a first-world lens. Ten dollars a day is almost nothing by American standards, but to a pakistani sweatshop worker, that's about five times the national average. It's the difference between eating dinner with a roof over your head, and starving in the street.

People who cry out against sweatshops as being "exploitative" only make these people's lives worse when they succeed in shutting them down. On three documented occasions, anti-sweatshop activists have unintentionally caused increases in childhood prostitution. In the early 1990s, anti-sweatshop activists in the U.S. managed to cause the closure of several sweatshops in Vietnam, and as a result, several thousand Vietnamese children who had been working in those sweatshops ended up working as prostitutes, turning to crime, or starving to death. In the mid-1990s, an international anti-sweatshop movement caused several Nepalese carpet manufacturing sweatshops to close, which resulted in thousands of Nepalese girls turning to prostitution. A similar anti-sweatshop protest in the 1990s also resulted in the closure of several Pakistani sweatshops, which caused those Pakistani children to turn to prostitution.

So before you condemn sweatshops, and the companies that run them, just try to imagine what those 10, 15, and 20 year olds will have to do to survive without them.

Can we live the American dream without someone somewhere living in squalor working in a sweatshop making it so

we can do so , unfortunatly it is called Socialism. and we would have to invade more countries to change their rules. sort of like invading ur space.

change where u are at and it does trickle down.

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