Sunday, December 6, 2009

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

well according to the bible they did, when we all know that no man or woman come to think about it can live on average 70 years, the oldest person just died last week was 118 years old but thats not common to live that long, scientifically we all know its immpossible to live for so many years 2-300 so how can anyone possibly believe what the bible says on the amount of men that lived for that long, i have tryed to find a decent answer to explain this but no one can

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

Especially with the fact that human life span has gotten longer in the past centuries, not shorter...

I think that book is full of some nice exaggerations...

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

The world they lived in was one prior to sin. Sin is why people die, and sin is why creation suffers. Come off your agnostic high horse, and do some research for yourself, or are you too busy waisting the time of someone new? Report It

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

Old people must sin a lot, more then anyone else. Report It

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

The bible is mythology, not reality.

Remember that...

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

You're not thinking fourth dimensionally.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?


How can a man live for 2-300 years?

Its not possible. Among the other things that aren't possible in the bible. Like walking on water and rising from the dead after three days.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

God shortened man's life "man lives too long" to 120 years.

Dang, I forgot where that is lol, I just can't remember the verse!

Edit: I found it!!! It's Genesis 6:3 - Yahweh said, "My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; yet will his days be one hundred twenty years."

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

As a world renowned scientist, I can explain it, but you would not get it. heheheh

Have a great

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

If you look at list of how long the descendent's of Noah's son Sem lived You'll notice there life expectancy gradually declined.

Basically in the bible people lived less and less as they got farther away from perfection.

"Especially with the fact that human life span has gotten longer"

Due to medicine.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

After the flood, God told Noah they could eat meat..before then they were vegetarians. Also we have so many diseases. This is just my guess.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

According to the Bible, some men lived even longer than that. According to discoveries back in like 2002, scientists proposed the theory that we are actually now in a rather "degenerated" state on a molecular level, but that it is likely that our D.N.A. previously provided more self regenerative function to our bodies. They actually believe it is key to expanding the human life-span, but I doubt if they could play God in such a way.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

How can people possibly believe ANYTHING in the bible?

I've heard fundies say, that man used to live that long, but after the "fall from grace" we've lost that ability because we are corrupted. they say that the first generations of man were closer to god and creation and therefore more perfect than us.

Classic "Golden Age" delusions.

Fundies believe the work was created in 4004 BC. Anthropologists who have dated skeletons to around that time show that the average lifespan was about 30 years. It has actually been increasing ever since, with some setback. The last 100 years have shown the biggest increase in longevity in history, thanks to science.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

You don't understand the Bible probably because you have never studied it. There are 3 earth ages told of in the Bible. The first earth age is from Adam to Noah. The second is from Noah to Jesus and the third is from Jesus to us. During the 1st earth age, men lived to be nearly a thousand years old. That's certainly not impossible for God to allow that. God created the Universe from nothing. Lets see science today create anything from nothing... God is just that, God. He can do as He pleases because He is all powerful and all knowing. For us to say God can't do something is silly on our part. The people here on earth from Adam to Jesus didn't live in our earth age and didn't live under the same rules as we do...

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

No pollution, few diseases and illnesses, no McDonald's to clog the arteries, no refined or processed food, no chemicals in any form, plenty of exercise (manual labor in order to survive), less stress, slower pace, and moderation in everything.

Sounds like that would make a difference to me. Blessings

Oh, and if you're one for believing, there's always Divine Intervention.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

In the days of the Old Testament the world was not as worn out as it is today. The water was much purer, the Earth was far more rich with minerals and other nutrients we do not get today, and as time goes on our bodies become more feeble from sin.

Pastor Bill

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

1. The human race was more genetically pure in this early time period, so there was less disease to shorten life spans.

2. No rain had yet fallen on the earth, and the expanse of water above kept out harmful cosmic rays and shielded people from environmental factors that hasten ageing/

3. God gave people longer lives so they would have time to populate the earth.

How can a man live for 2-300 years?

Christian here, ready to answer your question!!

This is what the Bible says:

Okay. When Adam was created, he was physically perfect, as was Eve when she was created. Their bodies didn't shrivel and die in 70 years. Once they ate the forbidden fruit, they began to sin, A LOT! One of the punishments God gave to man was that he would have to work his whole life and would only be given a limited number of years to live. The fallen angels procreated with human women, and they offspring became the giants. According to the story of Noah and others, the Giants were polluting the bloodlines. The theory is that if the bloodline of Jesus could be made impure, then he could not possibly be the "sacrificial lamb," because according to Jewish custom, the sacrifices had to be "free from blemishes." As the bloodlines (except Noah's, read Genesis) became more and more corrupt, our bodies have less tolerance for fighting off infections, etc.

This site can answer this question too, although it is specifically talking about why you can't marry a cousin.

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