Thursday, December 3, 2009

Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?

I know that many of you will think this cant be answered in one word, but that is the key! Take the time, dig deep and narrow it down to just one word!! Its way to easy to answer it in a sentence, Try one word.

I am curious to what people think it means to Live Life in Truth. I know what it means to me. I would like to share my opinion but I feel that may influence the direction or thought path that one will take when asking themselves this.

I wish you all well and challenge each and evey person to Life Life in Truth! Our words and actions are like drops of water, they have profound ripples that travel great distances. Many times effecting people we dont even know in ways we are never aware of.

The world could use a few more people living in truth, can you imagine what the world would be like if we all did!

God Bless

Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


There were a few words that I thought of to answer this, but the one that really explained it all was the one I chose...

Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


Live Life in Truth? What is your 1 word answer to the question?


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