Monday, November 30, 2009

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live & let live" attitude, how many schools woul

I'm sorry, but the "live %26amp; let live" attitude really bugs me.

It's only because of people who have risen above this that so called "Intelligent Design" is NOT being taught in schools as a substitute to evolution, or at least I hope it's not.

Fundamentalists use people's "live %26amp; let live" cop out as an opportunity to get in their and evangelise to those who are vulnerable.

They thrive on it!

Fundamentalists lobby governments and business groups while others pretend nothing's happening.

Unless EVERYONE takes a strong stand on what they believe in, these guys will always end up with more influence than they deserve.

Why are so many prepared to let the fundamentalists stake a claim to representing their beliefs?

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

Why are so many prepared to let the fundamentalists stake a claim to representing their beliefs?

EXCELLENT question. The answer to this would suffice to answer many issues related to religion, including terrorism. Illiteracy is part of the answer and secondly it is generally acceptable behavior that if born into a religion, THINKING and QUESTIONING is unnecessary. When the opposite should be true.

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

where's my gun will go right down and settle this problem once and for all

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

Live and let live is ony applicable when everyone uses it. It's not worth wasting on people who don't share the philosophy. Only if they can respect others should we respect them.

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

What about side by side.

Why should only science myths be taught, you know like PLUTO IS A PLANET (I was taught that myth).

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

Apparently it's illegal to kill them.

Damned unsporting, I call it.


If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?

I think you have confused standing up for what you believe in to mean you must loathe the opposition. I feel that ID should not be taught in public schools and we should be able to prevent this without feeling great animosity toward those that do feel ID should be taught. Let it be taught in private school. Not every Christian is a dominionist like Bush...

If all non-fundamentalists adopted a "live %26amp; let live" attitude, how many schools would now teach ID?


Lets kill them all!

Now, seriously

Paz de Cristo

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