Saturday, November 28, 2009

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

I'm going to get a rabbit and I want the best for him (living indoors). My dad's ok with an indoor rabbit but my mom just won't let it live indoors. I've tried talking to her when she's in a good mood and after the talk, she'll be in a bad mood. I asked her why a rabbit can't live indoors and she said they smell and they poop. I will litter train them and use a bio odour thing to put in their water to reduce smell. She still says she just will not have a rabbit living in her house. I feel kind of bad having my rabbit live outdoors. How do I persue my mom to let my rabbit live in the house? FYI, she's not an animal person.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Rabbits are gorgeous but make bad indoor pets, not only litter training them is really hard but they chew through every single cable you have! My mother bought my son a rabbit and there was no single electronic item chewed-free, it was a nightmare.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Good grades, take full and total care of it, and then if that works they may help you out a bit with it so the workloads not only on your for that rabbit

hope it helps try it out tell me if it does

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

i'm with your mom. one of my daughters had a indoor rabbit. it pooped all the time and stinks even cleaning every day. rabbits are outdoor animals. build a nice place for it outside. maybe you could compromise and just play with the rabbit inside for a hour or two every day

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Show her the bunny...haha this is from personal experience. My mom didn't even want me to have one in the first place...until I brought the baby bunny home, she saw his face, and fell in love. Rabbits are great pets. Yes they do poop, but you can very well litter train them. They're pretty smart when it comes to that... well, at least mine got the hang of it fast. As for the smell, just make sure you change their floor often and you won't have a problem! Also get like a little pen for the bunny to play in outside...that way he wont run away and still gets to be outside. You can use it indoors too and put a blanket on top of your carpet/floor so that your rabbit doesn't have accidents directly on your carpet/floor. You can also buy some bunny refreshners/sprays at the pet store to spray around his cage. Good luck!

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

just think when you have worked your butt off for many years to finally own your own home you can have a rabbit living in YOUR house, until then you live in HER thankfull she is leting you get a pet in the first place

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

My friend has indoor trained rabbits and they smell less than hutch ones cause you empty the litter tray more than once a day. There will be sawdust in the house and hay which your mum may not like.There's not much you can do if she's not an animal person. Your lucky she'll let you keep one outside if she really doesn't like animals.Make sure you keep in warm in winter. Guinea pigs and rabbits can get v. cold and most people I know take the hutch into the garage in winter.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Just return it to the pet shop like everyone else does the week after Easter when they realize that rabbits are a pain in the butt to take care of. Another option is to release it into the mountains as coyote food.

BTW, your mom is right. Rabbits do poop and smell a lot.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

it will indeed smell like poop and urine if you keep the rabbit inside.. whatever you do, the smell will be there . and there will also be some litter on the floor all the time... don't forget that rabbit poop every 15 minutes or so.

Just do a nice emplacement outdoor, your DAD will help you fix something up.. You can always ask your mom if the rabbit can come inside when it rain , ( for a few hours )

Start by doing what your mom say, THEN ask her for some loose..

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Maybe your mom is right. It is very difficult to train a rabbit and nobody wants a disease from them pooping in the house. Imagine your brother or sister or mom getting really sick from the rabbit. Then maybe you will feel sad. Beside, when you get your own house later, you might feel the same way as her when it is your house.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Just keep saying.. over and over again..

What's up doc..what's up doc..whats up doc..

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Its actually cruel to leave a rabbit outdoors. They can easily get sick and are at risk of being exposed to other animals that may carry disease. Rabbits are very clean animals.You can litter train them. They make wonderful pets. Its your responsibility to keep your rabbit's living quarters clean. Please don't keep your rabbit outside. Tell your mom the risk factors of having an outdoor rabbit. I have raised rabbits all of my life and would never leave my bunnies outside. They should be part of your home just like any other pet.You can in the summer get him a playpen so he can have some fresh air and run around. Make sure he's secure in it and nothing could attack him. Make sure you clean his area often. Don' t use those cedar,lemon scented or pine shavings that you see at the pet stores. They are actually a health risk to rabbits and can cause allergic reactions. Those shavings combined with rabbit urine can make it smell even worse! I like to use Carefresh bedding. Its made from recycled paper and reduces odours. Please don't listen to the people that think rabbits are bad pets. They just don't know how to take care of them. Anything else you'd like to know about raising a rabbit, you can email me!

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

I own 2 indoor rabbits. They are both neutered and litter box trained. Their droppings are odorless unless they get ill. They are relatively inexpensive because they do not require vaccinations. They are extremely social animals and should only be kept as indoor pets. Please do not get a bunny if you can only keep it outside. There are several organizations that can educate you on rabbit ownership. The House Rabbit Society (?) is one of them, you can google it.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

well, indoors is not always best for a rabbit. All of my rabbits enjoys living outdoors so to me outdoors is best for them. My rabbit started of indoors and I let him outside every day to run around but then he started getting like restless or something so when the spring came we bought him a hutch and he has been living outside happily for 5 years. I don't know how to convince your mom because my mom almost kicked my rabbit out when I first got my rabbit....anyways I just thought I would reassure you by saying that living indoors is not always best for a rabbit.

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Sorry to say this, but if you want what's best for the rabbit, maybe you shouldn't get it. But is it always warm where you live? Or does it get really cold, rain, snow or get really really hot, which would be uncomfortable for the rabbit. Just obey your mom even though it may be hard, you can get a rabbit in all of your adult life and have it live indoors if you wish!

Hope I helped! :]]

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

build a very secure pen if its out doors ours wasnt built tuff enoulf two dogs toor at it pulled the wire mesh out of shape pulled screws out of the door and got in and carried the poor rabbit home the poliece brought it back dead with an apology fron the owners of the dogs :(

this happend last night we are still sad and will be burring it tonight

still havent herd from the owners of the dogs

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

Well, think of it this way. All animals poop and usually smell, but sometimes a rabbit may not do so well in the house. There's nothing wrong with keeping it outside, but make sure you keep it inside during harsh weather and stuff. You could put some wire mesh in an area of your backyard (make sure it high enough so the rabbit cant jump out) and put in a hutch and it's water bowls and junk over there. Ask your mom if you can bring it inside every once in a while. Litter training them is not so easy but you should still try. It's worth it. When I had rabbits I didnt even TRY to litter train them but somehow they just did. They only peed and crapped on newspaper. If your rabbit turns out like that, maybe your mom will let you. Anyways, I think you picked out a wonderful animal as a pet and good luck.

btw, if you can, tell me how it turns out with the rabbit and everything

My mom won't let my rabbit live in the house?

My mom is like that too and trust me i tried hard for 17 years to get a cat in the house and I wasnt able to. But i get my rabbit in for a while during the hot summer. 1 rabbit indoors wont create much of a trouble but outdoors in a big or medium size cage is good and okay too, giving the weather not too cold or too hot

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